An Ecological Artist Collective
Think About Water is a collective of ecological artists and activists who got together to use art to elevate the awareness and discussion of water issues. Created by the painter and photographer Fredericka Foster in early 2020, the collective was intended to celebrate, as the organizers describe it, “our connection to water over a range of mediums and innovative projects that honor this precious element.” Think About Water is a call to action that invites viewers to a deeper engagement with the artwork.

In her work, Lisa Reindorf combines knowledge from architecture and environmental science. Her paintings examine the environmental impact of climate change on water. In aerial-view landscapes, she creates interpretations of coastal areas, in particular rising seas.
The collective’s first group exhibition is titled Think About Water. Curated by collective member Doug Fogelson, the exhibit was presented in virtual space through an interactive virtual reality gallery. Artists included the exhibit were Diane Burko, Charlotte Coté, Betsy Damon, Leila Daw, Rosalyn Driscoll, Doug Fogelson, Fredericka Foster, Giana Pilar González, Rachel Havrelock, Susan Hoffman Fishman, Fritz Horstman, Basia Irland, Sant Khalsa, Ellen Kozak, Stacy Levy, Anna Macleod, Ilana Manolson, Lauren Rosenthal McManus, Randal Nichols, Dixie Peaslee, Jaanika Peerna, Aviva Rahmani, Lisa Reindorf, Meridel Rubenstein, Naoe Suzuki, Linda Troeller, and Adam Wolpert.
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